SNQ Dissemination Seminar

The event was chaired by the Minister of Public Administration, Labour and Social Security, Dr Teresa Rodrigues Dias, and was attended by the Minister of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation, Dr Maria do Rosário Bragança Sambo, a representative of the Director of the President of the Republic's Staff Office, Dr Mbangula Katúmua, Secretary of State of the Republic, Dr Mbangula Katúmua. Mbangula Katúmua, Secretary of State for Secondary Education, Dr Gildo Matias José, RETFOP Project Coordinator, Dr Alexandre Rosa, officials from the National Qualifications Institute - INQ, as well as officials and managers from the National Institute for Employment and Vocational Training (INEFOP). The main aim of this seminar was to publicise and train participants in the National Qualifications System and its instruments.

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