National Qualifications Framework

The NQF has been in force since 23 July 2022, having been approved as part of the creation of the National Qualifications System (Presidential Decree no. 210/22, of 23 July).

This instrument of the National Qualifications System aims to:

  • Integrate and articulate the qualifications obtained within the scope of the different Education and Teaching Systems, and Vocational Training, as well as those obtained through professional experience or non-formal and informal learning;
  • Improve the transparency of qualifications by enabling the identification and comparability of their value in the labour market, education and training, as well as in other contexts of personal and social life;
  • Allow the transfer and accumulation of credits in Education, Vocational Training and Higher Education, when possible, in order to enhance the mobility of citizens and facilitate the recognition of skills acquired throughout life;
  • Promote the recognition, validation, certification and quality of the qualifications obtained;
  • Enable the comparability of national qualifications with those of other countries;
  • Promote links and/or referrals to other qualifications.

© Instituto Nacional De Qualificações