Seminar To Disseminate The SNQ
Author: Karel
Published: 02 Apr 2024
As part of its remit, the National Qualifications Institute (INQ) held its second seminar on disseminating the National Qualifications System (SNQ).
Seminar To Disseminate The National Qualifications System
Author: Karel
Published: 02 Apr 2024
The INQ will hold seminars on 5, 7, 13, 19 and 22 March this year to disseminate the national qualifications system - SNQ and present the programme for implementing the professional qualifications drawn up.
SNQ Dissemination Seminar
Author: Karel
Published: 27 Mar 2024
The National Qualifications Institute - INQ, Created Under Presidential Decree No. 208/22, Of 23 July, Within The Scope Of Its Attributions And The Objectives Set Out In The Pdn 2023-2027, Held The First Dissemination Seminar Of The National Qualifications System Today, 30-06-2023, In The Cinfotec-Rangel Auditorium.

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